台灣 1926-2012
葉世強,1926年出生於中國廣東,1948年就讀廣州藝專,1949年輾轉落腳台灣,考取台灣省立師範學院(台灣師範大學前身)藝術系,1963年進入復興商工任教,1964年開始擔任台灣大學美術社指導老師,培育、啟發台灣眾多創作者,2012年逝世享年86歲。 葉世強作風低調、不慕名利,先後隱居於新店、瑞芳、花蓮等地,長年過著索居禪行的生活。他不過度涉入藝術市場,以教書和製作古琴謀生,生前僅在國父紀念館及少數私人場所發表過作品,故而其作一畫難求,直至過世前,他方決定將畫作悉數交付給漢雅軒畫廊負責人張頌仁,讓藏家有機會得以窺見這位特例獨行藝術家的生前創作。 其後漢雅軒在2015、2016、2019、2023年為葉世強舉辦個展,並由義大利Rizzoli出版社推出藝術家設計書《星移:葉世強 / 葉偉立》,其作陸續見於廣州美術學院美術館、香港巴塞爾藝術展、台北當代藝博等地。 YEH Shih-Chiang, born in Guangdong, China in 1926, he attended The Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts in 1948. In 1949, he moved to Taiwan, where he enrolled in the Art Department of Taiwan Provincial Normal University. In 1963, he began teaching at Fu-Hsin Trade & Arts School, and in 1964, he became an instructor for the Art Society of National Taiwan University, nurturing and inspiring numerous creators in Taiwan. He passed away in 2012 at the age of 86. Yeh Shih-Chiang was known for his low-key demeanor and lack of desire for fame and fortune. He lived in seclusion in various places such as Xindian, Ruifang, and Hualien, leading a life of solitude and Zen meditation. He did not actively engage in the art market and instead made a living through teaching and making guqin (Chinese zither). During his lifetime, he only exhibited his works at the Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall and a few private venues. Consequently, his artworks were rare and sought after. It wasn't until before his passing that he decided to entrust all his paintings to Chang Sung-jen, the owner of the Hanart TZ Gallery, allowing collectors the opportunity to glimpse into the creative world of this exceptional and solitary artist. Subsequently, Hanart TZ Gallery held solo exhibitions for Yeh Shih-Chiang in 2015, 2016, 2019, and 2023. In addition, the Italian book publisher Rizzoli released an artist-designed book titled "Constellations: Yeh Shih-Chiang / Yeh Wei-Li". His works have been exhibited at various locations including the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts Museum, Art Basel Hong Kong, and Taipei Dangdai.