阿根廷 1985
尼古拉斯.罗梅罗,1985年出生于阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯。1999年师从阿根廷漫画家阿里尔.奥利维蒂(Ariel Olivetti),于2007年至2008年间在罗哈斯文化中心学习,2014年入选Facebook艺术家计划,2019年开始与艺术家黛安娜.艾森伯格(Diana Aisenberg)一起参加「工作诊所」的学习方法。他曾于美国、意大利、墨西哥及阿根廷举办个展,此外还参加了法国、荷兰、奥地利、澳大利亚、西班牙的其他群展。 尼古拉的作品是由许多「生活中现成物」拼贴而成,例如可口可乐、饮料罐、零食、洗衣精,这些符号代表着不同的事物,例如:经济、文化、宗教、食物、生活用品等,将这些物品摆放在一起时,即使作品没有人类的出现,也显而易见的展现人类存在过的证明。同时,也诠释了大环境下的社会脉络与社会符码。 Nicolás Romero was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1985. In 1999, he studied under the Argentine comic book artist Ariel Olivetti. From 2007 to 2008, he furthered his studies at the Centro Cultural Ricardo Rojas. He was selected for the Facebook Artist Program in 2014 and began participating in the "Workshop Clinic" learning method with artist Diana Aisenberg in 2019. He has held solo exhibitions in the United States, Italy, Mexico, and Argentina, and has also participated in group exhibitions in France, the Netherlands, Austria, Australia, and Spain. Nicolás's artworks are collages made up of various "ready-made objects" from daily life, such as Coca-Cola cans, beverage cans, snacks, and laundry detergent. These symbols represent different things, such as economy, culture, religion, food, household items, etc. When these items are placed together, even without the presence of humans, it prominently displays evidence of human existence. At the same time, it also interprets the social context and social codes within the larger environment.